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House of Wigs

AUBREY - Synthetic Wig

AUBREY - Synthetic Wig

Regular price €139,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €139,95 EUR
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🖤 Farbe: Braun Balayage

🖤 Style: Glatt mit Pony und leichtem Seitenscheitel

🖤 ready to wear - kein Kleben notwendig

🖤 Länge: 60cm

🖤 hochwertiges Synthetikhaar

🖤 atmungsaktiv

🖤 bereits fertig gestylt

🖤 schnelle Typveränderung ohne das Eigenhaar zu schädigen

🖤 kein langer und teurer Friseurbesuch notwendig

🖤 farb- und formbeständig

🖤 Hitzebeständig bis zu 160°

🖤 Größenverstellbar (one size)

🖤 2 Wig-Caps zum Verstauen des Eigenhaars gratis zu jeder Bestellung dazu (nur so lange der Vorrat reicht)

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100% synthetic hair


adjustable size - one size

care instructions

It is best to always comb your wig from the bottom up, you can use a wide-toothed comb for this.

For washing, we recommend that you fill a bowl or sink with lukewarm water and add a few drops of shampoo. Put your wig in the water and wait until it is soaked. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and repeat the process with a conditioner, being careful not to rub your hair.

Let the wig air dry, this is best done on a wig stand. Avoid styling products.

Note that the styling tools you use are not hotter than 160°.

It may be that the wig sheds hair the first time you brush it, this is absolutely normal and will not affect your wig in any way.

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